Welcome to “Scheduling Fate,” hosted by Author & Astrologer Jamie Magee! This show is dedicated to delivering a unique blend of insightful, down-to-earth wisdom to empower and inspire you as you navigate the path ahead.

Life is a journey, and it’s not always easy to navigate what’s around the corner. However, I believe that though we may not have control over every aspect of our lives, we certainly have the power to make informed choices & cultivate a resilient mindset to face whatever comes our way.

Each week we’ll explore how you can co-create with the current energy of the world using the gift of mindful practices and the ancient study of astrology. Tune in and let’s navigate life with grace, purpose, and a dash of serendipity.

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Meet The Host

Jamie’s life journey has been illuminated and connected to esoteric teachings.
A passionate seeker of personal empowerment, Jamie has found astrology to be a valuable tool. In her previous role as a business executive, she seamlessly integrated astrology into her daily life, harnessing its wisdom for problem-solving and fostering teamwork. This unique perspective gave her a profound appreciation for the practical applications of timing & astrology.

Jamie’s creative spirit truly shines through her work as an author of Young Adult novels. In her impressive collection of twenty-two novels, astrology is intricately woven into the soul of each story. Her characters’ journeys often mirror the cosmic challenges we all face in life.

With over a decade of dedicated study and practice of astrology in her toolkit, Jamie is on a mission to share the soul-deep power of astrology.  She accomplishes this through her writings,  podcast episodes, and her personalized 1-on-1 client practice.

Jamie’s enthusiasm for astrology is infectious, making it easy for anyone to fall in love with the ancient wisdom held in the stars.

Whether you’re a seasoned astrologer lover or a curious newcomer, Jamie Magee invites you to embark on a journey of self-discovery. With her as your guide, you’ll unlock your natal promise & gain valuable insights that will help you co-create and thrive.
